Friday, July 11, 2014

nursing is going goodbye

I just nursed my sweet girl to sleep for what is likely the last time. Nighttime nursies have been few and far between and we'll be apart for five days next week while she spends some time out on the farm.
My sweet bold confident girl, I am so thankful to be your Mommy.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

the mission team, or why you should look a gift horse in the mouth

A few months back, I was told we had the opportunity to have a mission team come work on our house for a week. After much hemming and hawing and discussion and planning and figuring and collection, they have started their work today. They are supposed to be here 3 days this week and the project is the garage roof.
We have about 5 weeks til move in and still a mountain of work. Kevin wanted them to help with the inside of the house to help us meet our deadline but we were told it was a roofing crew and the only thing they could do was roofs. He went over to meet them this morning and our roofing crew is 2 guys who seem to know what they are doing and...8 high school girls. 8 high school girls who have been putting in roofs for "years".
Sigh, Kevin is slightly frustrated.
The weather today has not been the greatest for roofing. 2 short torrential downpours. And guess what? They are now helping with paint prep. They should not discount them because they are young. Their skills do stretch beyond roofing.
I am grateful to these young ladies who have sacrificed a small portion of their summer to help a stranger.
Now I have to pick a paint a hurry. But I have to do it carefully because I will likely be looking at it for the next 10 years.
What do you think of this?