Sunday, February 6, 2011

jesus and his headache

Jordan is a 3 year old girl I have been caring for over a year.  She comes to church with me on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings.  Her mom sent me a text a while back that she had named her doll that she got for Christmas "Baby Jesus" and has been singing "Yes Jesus Loves Me" to him at night.  I am grateful to the servants in our Children's Ministy programs who have taught her a lot of this.

I have a baby Jesus in a manger on the window sill above my kitchen sink.  He stays there year round.  Last week, Jordan was studying him thoughtfully as she sat on the kitchen counter.  That is her favorite place when I am preparing dinner.

I tossed  the whole wheat rotini into the boiling salted water and heard her ask, "Why's he sleepin'?"  I told her it was because he was tired.  That he knew he had a big job ahead of him and needed all the rest he could get.  It was then she decided that he had a headache.  I agreed that with a job as big as the one he had, he definately might have.

I've tried to keep that in mind.  The headaches I get from the stress of parenting and day care are nothing compared to what made him sweat drops of blood the night before his death.  And he has given me these challenges because he knows I can handle them.

His grace will be enough.

Our church is embarking on a series called "The Adventure of Trust".  It is all about learning to be a good steward of the things God has placed in our care.  I'm looking forward to learning how to work harder at being a better parent and provider to the children he has placed in my care.

His grace will be enough.

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