Friday, January 14, 2011

george quotes

Yesterday I picked George up a personal pan pizza while we were out doing errands.  I took a slice out and let it cool on top of the box on his lap.  After about 5 minutes or so I called back to him, "I think you can try to take a bite out of it now."  He scruched up his face at the steam that was still rising off it in the cold car and said, "Mom, I can't.  It's still spitting smoke!" 

I have a sebaceous cyst on my thigh that I am under strict doctor's orders to soak in a hot tub daily.  That, along with a strong antibiotic ointment seems to be working.  Tonight as I sat in the water he barged in to the bathroom and said in an excited voice, "Mommy don't worry if your assist doesn't soak off, I will pray it off!"

"What comes after a trillion?"  "I'm going to ask Luke!"

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